Friday 27 May 2011

Last Sunday's Outfit

I do realise that it is currently closer to the approaching Sunday than the previous Sunday, but better late than never, right? So this is what I wore last Sunday. I am much more a skirts girl than pants and I didn’t really have any non-denim long pants, until I bought these! I’ve only worn them once and I already love them. There is so much fabric used in each leg that they swish when you walk. It’s like you get the advantages of pants and a skirt all combined in one garment. It does actually look like I’m wearing a skirt if I stand still. I don’t think I’ll be wearing them with a black top though or I may end up looking like a witch.

I like to think the pants look quite 1930s. Although I’m sure they’re much wider than they would have been in the thirties. They remind me of something a glamorous young suspect in an Agatha Christie novel might wear.
(picture from Natasha Bailie Blog )

This is just how wide these pants legs are!

Beret: Barkin’s
Belt: Target
Sweater: Vintage
Pants: Dotti
Coat: Katie’s

Sunday 22 May 2011

Saturday’s Outfit 21/05/11

I have new shoes! I bought them last weekend at Novo in the city, but Saturday was the first time I’d worn them. I’ve wanted a pair of brogues for simply ages. It was actually quite hard to find any in Brisbane. I was so excited when I found these.  I hardly took them off all day Saturday. I just wore them around the house. I wore them to a dance shop and one of the ladies there said she really like them and asked if I was a rock and roll dancer. I wish! I’d love to be able to do a Lindy Hop or the East Coast Swing, but I guess I’ll be sticking to tap for now.

Top: SES
Shorts: Dotti
Tights: Myer
Shoes: Novo

Friday 20 May 2011


I often wish I lived in Europe, but especially during autumn and winter. We just don’t have a proper cold season in Queensland. I much prefer winter to summer, unlike most of my friends. However, I think autumn has always been my favourite season. When I was little this was just because my birthday was in autumn, but now I appreciate how pretty everything is in autumn. It’s also not as ridiculously hot in autumn so you can wear scarves. I love scarves.
 We’ve had an unusually wet autumn this year, but I love the rain so I don’t mind. Unfortunately there aren’t really many of the amazingly coloured trees that make autumn so great near our house. We do have one deciduous tree in our yard so I took a photo of it. It looks a bit lonely though.

Saturday 14 May 2011

Outfit Post

Ooh ah, it’s my first outfit post! You’ll have to be lenient and excuse my inexpertise. I managed to not get my shoes, or my very cool tights, in any of the photos I took. I’m a bit of a novice when it comes to camera timers. I took the photos in our garden.
Skirt: op shop
Shirt: SES
Cardigan: SES but I decorated it
Scarf: Some shop in Melbourne
Handbag: I bought it in China at the markets

Sunday 8 May 2011

I Think I'm in Love...

Burberry Acoustic is my latest obsession. Basically, the clothing brand Burberry has this promotion where they dress bands up in their clothes and film them playing acoustic covers of their songs in picturesque locations. Not only do the videos sound absolutely fantastic but they look gorgeous too. To me Burberry has always been representative of a quintessentially English brand and these videos are just the same. Watching them makes me long to be in England, it just looks so pretty. Most of the artists seem to be relatively unknown British bands with awesome accents. They also tend to be quite cute, which is always a plus.

Oh No Not Again

Yes I'm afraid it's another Royal Wedding Post, but I just found this very interesting article over at The Duchess of Devonshire's Gossip Guide to the 18th Century all about the flowers in Kate's bouquet and their traditional meanings.

My brother also found this awesome picture. I don't know who made the picture or where it came from, but it's so cool!